This section lists upcoming and recent public talks and events with links to ticketing information. Please note that academic talks are not listed here, nor are talks prior to 2017.

Red flag research and studies that sound alarm bells - MRC Press Officers’ Conference 2017: Wellcome Trust, London - June 30th 2017

Standing up for Science workshop - The Nuts and Bolts, Brussels, June 9th 2017

"Lies, damned Lies, and statistics" - How we get science coverage wrong. Barnsley Skeptics in the Pub. May 4th 2017.

Paranoia for the People - The rise of conspiracy theories in the 21st century. TTI / Vanguard Hyperconnected: Boston, USA, April 12th 2017

Hoaxes in Cancer And Vaccination - Deception Day: Hoaxes, Lies and Fake News. Conway Hall, London, April 1st 2017

Standing up for science: A panel discussion - Goldsmiths University, March 29th 2017